

Carol VenessCarol Veness

Technology Director


Technology Forms

East Dayton Christian School Acceptable Use Policy for Technology

Acceptable Use Policy for Technology
Adobe Acrobat document [200.0 KB]

Google Apps Agreement for use of school email, Google drive, etc.

Google Apps Terms of Service – Google Apps


Student Data Privacy Information

Student Data  Privacy Consortium Agreements


Student Data Privacy Agreements


Student Privacy Form

Please note the following East Dayton Christian Student Privacy Form is not a required form nor does it need to be completed as part of the user agreement. It is only provided as a courtesy for those parents and students who do not wish to use the school computers, network and/or have their image or work displayed in the school website, school publications, and on video/digital media presentations. If the above statement applies to your needs please complete the form and return it to your student’s school office.


EDCS Student Privacy Form
Adobe Acrobat document [145.5 KB]

Technology Opt-out Form

This form only needs to be filled out and turned in to the Technology Director if you do not want your student to access the Internet at school:

EDCS Access to Internet Parent “Option-Out-Form”
Adobe Acrobat document [145.5 KB]